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How much does this cost?

Drumroll, please! Our rental fee is a steal at just $95 per event! That's right, for less than the cost of a fancy schmancy dinner, you can bring the retro vibe to your party and have your guests buzzing with excitement.

But wait, it gets better! We don't just rent out our retro phones for a few measly hours - we're generous like that. Instead, we let you keep them for the entire weekend! That means you can take a breather after your event and not worry about any rush or fuss.

So whether you're throwing a party, a wedding, or just need an excuse to show off your vintage style, Chirpy Cheer has got you covered. Give us a call (on a modern phone, of course) and book your retro phone rental today. Trust us, your guests will be chirping with excitement!


Add - Ons

Listen, we're not saying that our add-ons will change your life, but we're not NOT saying it either. So why not treat yourself to some extra Chirpy Cheer goodness? It's like adding sprinkles to your ice cream, or a little extra foam to your latte - sure, it's not necessary, but it makes the experience that much more delightful.

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Retro Bluetooth Speaker  +$35

Get ready to turn up the volume and the nostalgia with our stylish speaker. We will transfer all your event recordings to this lovely retro speaker. The speaker can also be paired with your device to stream your favorite music.

Image by Daniel Schludi

Video Clips  +$35

Want to post those special messages on a social media platform? We will convert all your event recordings to video files so that you can share the warm and hilarious memories with everyone!

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